Part 1: Strategy

Question: Would you enter a darts tournament blindfolded? Answer: Not really, because you won’t be able to see what you’re doing, what you’re aiming for or where you need to go to succeed.

The strategy phase makes up the first of three phases in growth-driven design (GDD) and is the most important when it comes to this iterative, UX-focused design process.

A well-researched and planned strategy is the foundation from which growth-driven design thrives.

By nailing down your strategy, you’ll be able to understand:

  • Who will be using your website
  • The purpose of your website
  • The high-value web pages you’ll need to employ from the outset
  • The nice-to-have web pages that can be put on the back burner initially
  • The time, money and resources you need to spend to gain traction

So how do we create a strategy? Here are the key components that you should concentrate on and use as the foundation of your growth-driven design process. 

  1. Set Your Goals
  2. Identify Your Buyer Personas
  3. Make Reasoned Assumptions
  4. Map Your User Journeys
  5. Implement User Research
  6. Write Out Your Wish List